We recognize that some of our young patients may feel anxious or apprehensive about receiving dental care. Our doctors and staff work hard to make sure that your child has a comfortable, positive experience, and that’s why we are pleased to offer IV sedation dentistry for those patients needing a little extra comfort before receiving treatment. Feeling anxious about receiving dental care should never prevent having a beautiful, healthy smile.


There are different types of sedation dentistry, and working together, you and your doctor will decide on a personalized treatment plan that will give your child the care he or she needs while ensuring comfort every step of the way.


About an hour before treatment begins, your child will be given a small pill to help him or her relax. When you arrive at our practice, our staff will be waiting for you and will escort you and your child to a private treatment room.

Your doctor will gently place an IV and administer medication to help your child into a deeper state of relaxation. Once treatment is complete, your child will wake up feeling refreshed, with little or no memory of the appointment and a beautiful new smile. Using sedation dentistry, we are able to complete many different procedures, including complex smile makeovers, in just one office visit.


We understand that before receiving treatment, you may have many questions about IV sedation dentistry. Here are some of the most common questions and answers about IV sedation dentistry.

  • Will my child feel anything during treatment?

In most cases, patients do not feel anything. There is very little discomfort, and many patients wake up feeling relaxed and comfortable with almost no memory of the treatment.

  • Is IV sedation dentistry the same as being unconscious?

No. Your child will still be conscious and responsive, however, he or she will be a deep state of relaxation.

  • Is IV sedation dentistry safe?

IV sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way for many patients to receive dental treatment. Before starting treatment with IV sedation, the doctor will talk with you and help you decide if IV sedation is right for your child’s treatment.

  • How long will it take the sedation to wear off?

The time it takes for the sedatives to wear off depends on the dose received, how long the treatment is, and how quick your child’s body can recover.

  • Is my child a good candidate for IV sedation dentistry?

Any patients who experience dental anxiety are good candidates for IV sedation dentistry. If your child has any of the following fears or concerns, ask your doctor about IV sedation dentistry as an option for his or her next dental treatment:

  • Extreme dental anxiety or fear of visiting the dentist
  • Fear of needles and/or shots
  • Past traumatic dental experience
  • Can’t handle the smells or noises of being at a dentist’s office
  • Has overly sensitive teeth, a strong gag reflex, or trouble getting numb
  • Requires a more complex dental treatment
  • Wishes to have a more comfortable dental treatment

If you feel that your child could benefit from IV sedation dentistry, please contact us and let us know how we can better accommodate your family’s needs.

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Entendemos su necesidad de recibir tratamiento en una oficina dental que lo haga sentir confortable, seguro y bienvenido. Por favor reserve su cita o visite nuestra oficina para conocerla y aprender más sobre los servicios que proveemos. 

Para nuestros especialistas es una prioridad educar sus niños acerca de los beneficios de tener unos dientes y encías sanas para que pueda disfrutar de una sonrisa que dure para toda la vida.

Nuestra oficina cuenta con equipos de última tecnología dental, incluyendo procedimientos sin dolor con laser. Para ayudar a los niños a eliminar sus miedos a lo desconocido, hemos creado una atmósfera relajante que les permite disfrutar sus programas de televisión favoritos, leer y jugar en uno de los varios iPads con los que contamos en el área de juegos, etc. 

Algunos de los servicios que proveemos incluye: tratamientos de láser sin dolor, cuidado de rutina y preventivo, rayos x, aplicacion de fluor y sellantes, extracciones, etc. Nos esforzamos para detectar y tratar los problemas de manera temprana para ayudarle a su niño a desarrollar buenos hábitos de salud oral y que reciba el excelente cuidado que se merece. 

Para hacer una cita llame nuestra oficina al (813) 991-5300


É um prazer ter você aqui, eu sou brasileiro e tenho assistentes brasileiras, por isso prestamos um serviço personalizado para a comunidade brasileira aqui na Flórida.

Entendemos sua necessidade de receber tratamento em um consultório odontológico que o faça se sentir confortável, seguro e bem-vindo. Por favor, reserve sua consulta ou visite nosso consultório para conhecê-lo e aprender mais sobre os serviços que oferecemos.

Para nossos especialistas, é uma prioridade educar seus filhos sobre os benefícios de ter dentes e gengivas saudáveis para que possam desfrutar de um sorriso que dure por toda a vida.

Nosso consultório conta com equipamentos de última geração em tecnologia dental, incluindo procedimentos indolores com laser. Para ajudar as crianças a eliminar seus medos do desconhecido, criamos uma atmosfera relaxante que permite a eles desfrutar de seus programas de televisão favoritos, ler e jogar em um dos vários iPads que temos na área de jogos, etc.

Alguns dos serviços que oferecemos incluem: tratamentos a laser sem dor, cuidado de rotina e preventivo, raio-x, aplicação de flúor e selantes, extrações, etc. Nos esforçamos para detectar e tratar problemas de maneira precoce para ajudar seu filho a desenvolver bons hábitos de saúde bucal e receber o excelente cuidado que merece.

Para fazer uma consulta, ligue para nosso consultório no (813) 991-5300.